
Saturday 13 December 2014

The unconference on inclusion in education: tell us what you would like to see covered. In ten words!

We are really excited to see so many people have already signed up for our unconference on inclusion in education. See our previous post here  for full details and book your ticket on Eventbrite here.

We would like to ask all those who have booked a place to let us know what they would like to see covered.

The challenge is to do this in ten words!

Let us have your ideas and we will post them here.

What you want to talk about

How do you achieve inclusion in a resistant community? 
Charlotte Buckby, parent, social worker and IPSEA Rep.

Inclusion into what? Normative assumptions, 'reasonable adjustments' and appreciating diversity.
Damian Milton, parent, academic, campaigner

Has the SEND reform given parents and young people any more control over their own education - or just more meetings?
Barney Angliss, SENCO

How can Special and Mainstream collaborate effectively to support inclusion?
Simon Knight, Special School Deputy Head, Associate Director at the National Education Trust and Director of Teaching School at the Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance.

How do we make special schools redundant?

Jarlath O'Brien, Special school headteacher

How can children's rights and the UNCRC be utilised to promote inclusion and social justice in education?
Sophie Christophy, journalist, 'childrens' rights geek' social historian

Blog posts

For excellent contributions to the discussion about 'inclusion', you could also look at the following blog posts. We have listed the posts alongside the author's username so you can follow them on twitter.

1 comment:

  1. How do we ensure 'SEN support' is pro-active?
    Parent, teacher & IPSEA rep.
