
Tuesday 3 February 2015

Unconference - amazing day!

Thanks so much to everyone who attended the unconference today.

A special, big thanks goes to our excellent speakers, Katherine Runswick-Cole, Nick Hodge, Damian Milton, Di Kay, Barney Angliss and, of course Nye - what a diverse range of topics and perspectives!

The contributions which followed in the open sessions were really thought-provoking and we are grateful that people gave so generously of their time and energy to attend. The commitment to working together to create change was inspriring.

We intend to give a full report back together with a summary of the main points - to be agreed by attendees. This is a collaborative effort.

We also want to share some of the ideas people had for future action and to build on this event.  We want to take the momentum from this event forward to find ways of working together with those who attended and others who are interested in getting involved.

So watch this space! It may be a few days before things appear but, in the meantime, if you attended and would like to provide feedback but didn't get a form, or didn't get a chance to complete one before you left, please do complete the form here. You can send it to

We genuinely welcome all your views. This was a first for us too so your feedback is really appreciated.

Draft manifesto

Following on from above, and as a result of discussions on the day, we have pulled together some key views which appeared to shared by all attendees and we have put them in a 'draft manifesto'.

You can read the Manifesto here.

This document does not belong to the ERA. We want this to be a genuine reflection of the views expressed and a summary of aims which people feel they can openly support.

The next step will be to identify actions which can be taken in support of these aims.

Let us know what you think - we welcome amendments, suggested additions and, of course, declarations of support!

How do I sign?

If you would like to 'sign' this, contact us at or tweet at us @era_tweet or you can leave a comment on the page.

You can sign in your personal capacity and/or on behalf of your organisation. It is up to you as to how you describe your position/role.

1 comment:

  1. Today was a great, inspiring day with brilliant presentations. It was great to start the discussion afresh, with people who would like to take it somewhere. It'd be great to agree on actions, and learn how to replicate good practice, at the same time as drawing more attention to the whole discussion. No small feat there then ;)
