
Thursday 17 July 2014

Legal training for Independent Supporters: some questions

Ever since the surprise announcement that the Government would be providing funding for so-called 'Parent Champions' in the SEN system, we have been asking questions about these 'Independent Supporters' (IS), their role, their mandate and the contract governing their selection.

You can read our previous posts here and here.

We understand that SENSE has now been awarded a contract by the Council for Disabled Children to provide legal training for IS. You can read about this here.

Effective legal training is obviously vitally important as so many local authorities implement policies rather than the law. Unsurprisingly, we had some further questions to ask.

We are, therefore, very grateful that Irwin Mitchell solicitors, who are helping SENSE with the training, quickly agreed to answer any questions we may have.

Our letter can be read here and we will post the response when we have it.

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