
Thursday 17 July 2014

The Council for Disabled Children: 112 days on and still no reply

16 weeks ago, on 20 March 2014, as the Children and Families Act (CFA) received Royal Assent, we wrote to Ms Lenehan, the Chief Executive of the Council for Disabled Children (CDC).

The CDC is the Government's Strategic Reform Partner. It has received significant funding from the Government during the reform process. In a press release from the CDC Ms Lenehan stated that the Children and Families Act was an "important step to getting better outcomes for children and young people".

We wrote to Ms Lenehan  because we have been unable to find any data to support this contention, so we asked her to provide some evidence to back up her claim.

Our letter was sent to Ms Lenehan by email on 22 March. You can read the letter and our previous blog post here.

We did not receive an answer.

We then sent follow-up emails directly to Ms Lenehan on 9 April and 23 May.

Still no answer.

So, we began to ask questions via twitter of @cdc_tweets but 112 days on we remain without a reply.

We take this failure to respond very seriously. We are a parents' group and we fear this may show a lack of understanding of the importance of transparency and the need to engage with parents. When all said and done, we think we asked a very straightforward and reasonable question.

We are now writing to the National Children's Bureau (NCB) as the CDC is governed by NCB’s Board of Trustees. We hope that we will be able to get answers this way but we believe strongly that this is a step we should not have had to take.

Our letter to the NCB can be read here.

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